Author: E. M. Bennatan
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321336623
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321336623
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Catastrophe Disentanglement: Getting Software Projects Back on Track
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Buy Catastrophe Disentanglement: Getting Software Projects Back on Track by EM Bennatan and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!. Download Catastrophe Disentanglement computer ebooks
There are very few books that provide step-by-step information on getting troubled software projects back on track. This book provides detailed guidelines for software project recovery. Some of the steps the author recommends may be unpleasant, but all are important." -Capers Jones, chief scientist emeritus at Software Productivity Research LLC A "This is a well-conceived, well-written, interesting book about an important topic. The author is right in saying that no one else has covered this particular facet of project failure." -Robert L. Glass, publisher of the Software Practitioner A A 10-STEP PROCESS TO IDENTIFY SEVERELY TROUBLED PROJECTS AND AVOID COSTLY FA

Catastrophe Disentanglement: Getting Software Projects Back On Track
payment | shipping rates | returns Catastrophe Disentanglement: Getting Software Projects Back on Track Bennatan, EM ISBN: 0321336623 Title: Catastrophe Disentanglement: Getting Software Projects Back on Track Author: Bennatan, EM Book Condition: Good Item Notes: Binding: Paperback Publication Date: 2006-04-21 Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional Pages: 288 Height: 0.7000 inches Width: 6.0000 inches Weight: 0.8000 pounds About Us
Catastrophe Disentanglement Getting Software Projects Back on Track, ISBN-13: 9780321336620, ISBN-10: 0321336623
A 10-STEP PROCESS TO IDENTIFY SEVERELY TROUBLED PROJECTS AND AVOID COSTLY FAILURE Itrsquos a software development nightmare a project thatrsquos rapidly spiraling out of control...or already a disaster. Conventional project management techniques wonrsquot save these projects there are no standard rescue processes to follow. You need something radically different Catastrophe Disentanglement. nbsp Drawing on in-depth data from hundreds of development organizations EM Bennatan presents a proven 10-step program for rescuing any project thatrsquos worth saving. Yoursquoll find specific guidance for
A 10-step process TO identify severely troubled projects and avoid costly failure
Its a software development nightmare: a project thats rapidly spiraling out of control…or already a disaster. Conventional project management techniques wont save these projects: there are no standard rescue processes to follow. You need something radically different: Catastrophe Disentanglement .
Drawing on in-depth data from hundreds of development organizations, EM Bennatan presents a proven, 10-step program for rescuing any project thats worth saving. Youll find specific guidance for addressing massive budg
Its a software development nightmare: a project thats rapidly spiraling out of control…or already a disaster. Conventional project management techniques wont save these projects: there are no standard rescue processes to follow. You need something radically different: Catastrophe Disentanglement .
Drawing on in-depth data from hundreds of development organizations, EM Bennatan presents a proven, 10-step program for rescuing any project thats worth saving. Youll find specific guidance for addressing massive budg
Catastrophe Disentanglement Free
There are very few books that provide step-by-step information on getting troubled software projects back on track. This book provides detailed guidelines for software project recovery. Some of the steps the author recommends may be unpleasant, but all are important." -Capers Jones, chief scientist emeritus at Software Productivity Research LLC A "This is a well-conceived, well-written, interesting book about an important topic