Author: Dennis M. Ahern
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321228766
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321228766
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional
CMMI SCAMPI Distilled: Appraisals for Process Improvement
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CMMI SCAMPI Distilled: Appraisals for Process Improvement. Download CMMI SCAMPI Distilled computer ebooks

Cmmi Scampi Distilled: Appraisals For Process Improvement By Dennis M. Ahern About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 CMMI Scampi Distilled: Appraisals for Process Improvement by Dennis M. Ahern , Jim Armstrong Format Paperback Condition Brand New The Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) is an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to drive quantifiable improvements in systems and software engineering. SCAMPI appraisals can help those organizations identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current processes, re
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author CMMI Scampi Distilled: Appraisals for Process Improvement by Dennis M. Ahern, Jim Armstrong Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New The Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) is an invaluable tool for organizations seeking to drive quantifiable improvements in systems and software engineering. SCAMPI appraisals can help those organizations identify the strengths and weaknesses of their current
Part of the SEI Series in Software Engineering, this book offers a concise andpractical guide to the standard CMMI appraisal method. This method is veryimportant, as it is used to determine an organization's capability and maturitylevels (which are often used as criteria in awarding government and defenseorientedbids). SCAMPI specifically stands for: the Standard CMMI AppraisalMethod for Process Improvement. These authors have considerable experiencein helping their organizations appraise their respective levels of maturity inrelation to the CMMI. In this handy new book, they impart their advi
Softcover book, 240 pages. Published by Addison-Wesley Professional (2005)
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