Author: Sharon Silver
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 096691290X
Publisher: Practical Prepardness
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 096691290X
Publisher: Practical Prepardness
A Non-Alarmist Resource For Busy People, Y2K Book Resource Lists: What You Need to Prepare by Practical Preparedness
The Problem
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. Download A Non-Alarmist Resource For Busy People, Y2K Book Resource Lists computer ebooks
Get the kids off to school. Clean the dinners... Y2K ??? Who has time to think about Y2K? We already have too much to do. Yet major corporations and our government are spending big bucks trying to fix the Y2K problem. Maybe they will fix Y2K and maybe they won't. Every news story is different. What if they don't fix Y2K? Then we'll need to prepare. What if they do fix Y2K? Then we won't need extra supplies or food. Who knows if we'll need to prepare for Y2K? No one! So what do responsible people do when they're faced with this kind of dilemma? They prepare! We Can Help
That's exactly what this non-alarmist book is designed to do - help you prepare! Whether it's Y2K, a

A Non-Alarmist Resource For Busy People, Y2K Book Resource Lists Free
Get the kids off to school. Clean the house..
Who knows if we'll need to prepare for Y2K? No one! So what do responsible people do when they're faced with this kind of dilemma? They prepare! We Can Help
That's exactly what this non-alarmist book is designed to do - help you prepare! Whether it's Y2K, a