Author: Steve Mackay CPEng BSc (ElecEng) BSc (Hons) MBA
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 075065807X
Publisher: Newnes
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 075065807X
Publisher: Newnes
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology)
There are many data communications titles covering design, installation, etc, but almost none that specifically focus on industrial networks, which are an essential part of the day-to-day work of industrial control systems engineers, and the main focus of an increasingly large group of network specialists. Search and download computer ebooks Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting (IDC Technology) for free.
Buy Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting by Mackay, Steve and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!. Download Practical Industrial Data Networks computer ebooks
The focus of this book makes it uniquely relevant to control engineers and network designers working in this area. The industrial application of networking is explored in terms of design, installation and troubleshooting, building the skills required to identify, prevent and fix common industrial data communications problems - both at the design stage and in the maintenance phase.
The focus of this book is 'outside the box'.

Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting
Practical Industrial Data Networks: Design, Installation and Troubleshooting: Deon Reynders Pr Eng Mba
Practical Industrial Data Networks Design, Installation and Troubleshooting, ISBN-13: 9780750658072, ISBN-10: 075065807X
author deon reynders author edwin wright author john park author steve mackay format paperback language english publication year 27 02 2004 subject management business economics industry subject 2 industrial studies general author biography steve mackay is a professional engineer with over twenty five years experience throughout the world with a particular interest in data acquisition techniques industrial data communications and process control he is the technical director of idc technologies a
There are many data communications titles covering design, installation, etc, but almost none that specifically focus on industrial networks, which are an essential part of the day-to-day work of industrial control systems engineers, and the main focus of an increasingly large group of network specialists. The focus of this book makes it uniquely relevant to control engineers and network designers working in this area. The industrial application of networking is explored in terms of design, installation and troubleshooting, building the skills required to identify, prevent and fix common indus
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