Author: Harry Henderson
Edition: 2 Revised
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0816056978
Publisher: Facts on File
Edition: 2 Revised
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0816056978
Publisher: Facts on File
Privacy in the Information Age (Library in a Book)
"Privacy in the Information Age examines the growing controversy of diminishing privacy as advancements in computer technology facilitate the monitoring and collection of information from people's daily lives. Search and download computer ebooks Privacy in the Information Age (Library in a Book) for free.
Seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day, electronic databases are compiling information about you. As you surf the Internet, an unprecedented amount of your personal information is being recorded and preserved forever in the digital minds of computers. For each individual, these databases create a profile of activities, interests, and preferences used to investigate backgrounds, check credit, market products, and make a wide variety of decisions affecting our lives. The creation and use of these databaseswhich Daniel J. Solove calls digital dossiershas thus far gone largely unchecked. In this startling account of new technologies for gathering and using personal data, Solove explains why digital dossiers pose a grave threat to our privacy. The Digital Person sets forth a new understanding of what privacy is, one that is appropriate for the new challenges of the Information Age. Solove recommends how the law can be reformed to simultaneously protect our privacy and allow us to enjoy the benefits of our increasingly digital world. The first volume in the series EX MACHINA: LAW, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY. Download Privacy in the Information Age computer ebooks
Everything from medical records to e-mail correspondence and financial statements can be reviewed by other people without the knowledge or consent of those whose information it is. These records can also be stored in database files. Eventually, all aspects of an individual's life may be gathered in a single computer file. While this could be a powerful and useful tool, it raises many questions. Who has the right to this information? How can one control what sort of information is being collected and whether or not that information is accurate?

The Digital Person: Technology And Privacy In The Information Age
The Digital Person: Technology And Privacy In The Information Age - Daniel Solove
Categories: Government information->United States, Right of privacy->United States, Government information->United States. Contributors: Stephanie Urdang - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Government information->United States, Right of privacy->United States, Government information->United States. Contributors: Stephanie Urdang - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Government information->United States, Right of privacy->United States, Government information->United States. Contributors: Stephanie Urdang - Author. Format: Paperback
Privacy in the Information Age Free
Everything from medical records to e-mail correspondence and financial statements can be reviewed by other people without the knowledge or consent of those whose information it is. These records can also be stored in database files. Eventually, all aspects of an individual's life may be gathered in a single computer file. While this could be a powerful and useful tool, it raises many questions
verything from medical records to e-mail correspondence and financial statements can be reviewed by other people without the knowledge or consent of those whose information it is. These records can also be stored in database files. Eventually, all aspects of an individual's life may be gathered in a single computer file. While this could be a powerful and useful tool, it raises many questions. Who has the right to this information? How can one control what sort of information is being collected and whether or not that information is accurate?