Author: Donald E. Eastlake
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0201756056
Publisher: Pearson Education
Edition: 1st
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0201756056
Publisher: Pearson Education
Secure XML: The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption
As XML is more broadly used in both web sites and business applications, the need to insure security of XML based applications grows. Search and download computer ebooks Secure XML: The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption for free.
Categories: Computer networks->Security measures, XML (Document markup language), Data encryption (Computer science). Contributors: Donald E. Eastlake - Author. Format: Paperback. Download Secure XML computer ebooks
Most books on XML have at best a chapter devoted to security issues, and there is only one other book currently on the market devoted exclusively to XML Security. This book will show developers all they need to know about how to use XML Digital Signatures to protect the integrity and authenticity of data, and how to use XML Encryption to control its confidentiality. The lead author is at the center of the IETF and W3C working groups formalizing the standards, so there is no one better qualified to write about them. The book will also appeal to networking/security professionals who need to start dealing with the

Secure XML: The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption
Secure XML: The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption: Donald E. Eastlake, Kitty Niles
Secure Xml The New Syntax for Signatures and Encryption, ISBN-13: 9780201756050, ISBN-10: 0201756056
Hands on guide combines a strong foundation in XML with proven practical techniques for enabling the secure transmission of data across the Web Fully documents every feature and issue involved with XML security Softcover
This book is written by Donald E. Eastlake, Kitty Niles Published by Addison-Wesley Professional In 2003 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.
Secure XML Free
The book will also appeal to networking/security professionals who need to start dealing with the