Author: Robert J. Schalkoff
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0763780170
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0763780170
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
Intelligent Systems: Principles, Paradigms and Pragmatics
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This is the Color Game Boy Emulator from Intelligent Systems (the company that makes most of Nintendo's official development hardware). It connects to a computer via a SCSI interface and comes with software to code games and then transfer the game image to a Game Boy connected to the Emulator. This is a CGB-EMULATOR (Color Game Boy). The sticker on the bottom indicates that it has support for 3 options: CGB-DEBUGGER : This tool can be used to transfer, execute, check and debug user programs on. Download Intelligent Systems computer ebooks

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Springer London Ltd | 2008 | 270 pages | ISBN-13: 9781848822146 | ISBN-10: 1848822146
Computational intelligence is a well-established paradigm, where new theories with a sound biological understanding have been evolving. The current experimental systems have many of the characteristics of biological computers (brains in other words) and are beginning to be built to perform a variety of tasks that are difficult or impossible to do with conventional computers. As evident, the ultimate achievement in this field would be to mimic or exceed human cognitive capabilities including reasoning, recognition, creativity, emotions, understanding, learning and so on. This book comprising of
Categories: Artificial intelligence->Medical applications, Intelligent control systems, Fuzzy systems in medicine. Contributors: Mahdi Mahfouf - Author. Format: Hardcover
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