Author: Stuart McClure
Edition: 6
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071613749
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Edition: 6
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071613749
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media
Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, Sixth Edition
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Rather than being a sideline participant, leverage the valuable insights Hacking Exposed 6 provides to help yourself, your company, and your country fight cyber-crime." --From the Foreword by Dave DeWalt, President and CEO, McAfee, Inc."For security to be successful in any company, you must 'think evil' and be attuned to your 'real risk'...Hacking Expose 6 defines both." --Patrick Heim, CISO, Kaiser Permanente"The definitive resource to understanding the hacking mindset and the defenses against it." --Vince Rossi, CEO & President, St. Bernard Softwa

Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics, Second Edition: Computer Forensics Secrets & Solutions
Hacking Exposed Computer Forensics, Second Edition: Computer Forensics Secrets & Solutions: Aaron Philipp, Chris Davis, David Cowen
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Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets & Solutions 2nd Second Edition: Joel Scambray
Offers the most up-to-date guide to some of todays most detrimental hacks, techniques for preventing them, ways to avoid vulnerabilities, and procedures for putting a successful patch into the system. Original. *Author: McClure, Stuart/ Scambray, Joel/ Kurtz, George *Series Title: Hacking Exposed *Subtitle: Network Security Secrets and Solutions *Publication Date: 2009/01/26 *Number of Pages: 687 *Binding Type: Paperback *Language: English *Depth: 1.50 *Width: 7.25 *Height: 9.00
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Rather than being a sideline participant, leverage the valuable insights Hacking Exposed 6 provides to help yourself, your company, and your country fight cyber-crime." --From the Foreword by Dave DeWalt, President and CEO, McAfee, Inc."For security to be successful in any company, you must 'think evil' and be attuned to your 'real risk'.
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