Author: Don Tapscott
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1578511933
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1578511933
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs
The industrial-age corporation is crumbling. Search and download computer ebooks Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs for free.
author alex lowry author david ticoll author don tapscott author etc format hardback language english publication year 31 05 2000 subject management business economics industry subject 2 management techniques professional payment shipping rates returns digital capital harnessing the power of business webs product category books title digital capital harnessing the power of business webs ean 9781857882094 authors lowy alex ticoll david etc tapscott don binding hardcover publisher nicholas brealey. Download Digital Capital computer ebooks
The new form of wealth creation is the business web,and the new basis of wealth is digital capital. Schwab, eBay, Cisco, MP3, Linux, and dozens of other companies have transformed the rules of competition in their industries, seemingly overnight. They hijacked long-entrenched industry leaders with revolutionary offerings that surprised and delighted customers. These transformers could not and did not act alone: partners enabled them to move with stealth, speed, agility, and force. Such teams of innovators pioneered the business web, or "b-web" - the new platform for competition in the twenty-first century. B-webs - partner networks of producers, service providers, suppliers, infrastructure companies,

Digital Capital: Harnessing The Power Of Business Webs Ebook
Buy Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs by Tapscott, Don and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Digital Capital
Digital Capital Harnessing the Power of Business Webs, ISBN-13: 9781578511938, ISBN-10: 1578511933
Business webs or b-webs--partner networks of producers service providers suppliers infrastructure companies and customers all linked via digital channels--are generating wealth in entirely new ways. In Digital Capital information-age visionaries Don Tapscott David Ticoll and Alex Lowy describe and explain the b-web phenomenon and the forces behind its emergence. Drawing on three years of research into hundreds of b-webs the authors illuminate the five distinct types of b-webs now in play. The book includes the story behind the story on successes like eBay Cisco Linux Schwab and Priceline provi
Digital Capital Free
The new form of wealth creation is the business web,and the new basis of wealth is digital capital. Schwab, eBay, Cisco, MP3, Linux, and dozens of other companies have transformed the rules of competition in their industries, seemingly overnight. They hijacked long-entrenched industry leaders with revolutionary offerings that surprised and delighted customers. These transformers could not and did not act alone: partners enabled them to move with stealth, speed, agility, and force
B-webs - partner networks of producers, service providers, suppliers, infrastructure companies,