Author: Larry Daniel
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 159749643X
Publisher: Syngress
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 159749643X
Publisher: Syngress
Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence From The Warrant To The Courtroom
Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals provides you with a guide to digital technology forensics in plain English. Search and download computer ebooks Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence From The Warrant To The Courtroom for free.
Categories: Forensic sciences->Computer forensics. Contributors: Larry Daniel - Author. Format: Paperback. Download Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals computer ebooks
In the authors' years of experience in working with attorneys as digital forensics experts, common questions arise again and again: "What do I ask for?" "Is the evidence relevant?" "What does this item in the forensic report mean?" "What should I ask the other expert?" "What should I ask you?" "Can you explain that to a jury?" This book answers many of those questions in clear language that is understandable by non-technical people. With many illustrations and diagrams that will be usable in court, they explain technical concepts such as unallocated space, forensic copies, timeline artifacts and metadata in

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Categories: Forensic sciences->Computer forensics. Contributors: Larry Daniel - Author. Format: Paperback
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Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals : Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom, ISBN-13: 9781597496438, ISBN-10: 159749643X
Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals Free
With many illustrations and diagrams that will be usable in court, they explain technical concepts such as unallocated space, forensic copies, timeline artifacts and metadata in