Author: Robert E. Kraut
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262016575
Publisher: The MIT Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262016575
Publisher: The MIT Press
Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design
Online communities are among the most popular destinations on the Internet, but not all online communities are equally successful. Search and download computer ebooks Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design for free.
Buy Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design by Robert E. Kraut, Paul Resnick, Sara Kiesler, Moira Burke, Yan Chen, Niki Kittur, Joseph Konstan, Yuqing Ren, and John Riedl and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!. Download Building Successful Online Communities computer ebooks
For every flourishing Facebook, there is a moribund Friendster--not to mention the scores of smaller social networking sites that never attracted enough members to be viable. This book offers lessons from theory and empirical research in the social sciences that can help improve the design of online communities. The social sciences can tell us much about how to make online communities thrive, offering theories of individual motivation and human behavior that, properly interpreted, can inform particular design choices for online communities. The authors draw on the literature in psychology, economics, and other so

Building Successful Online Communities
Building Successful Online Communities
Online communities are among the most popular destinations on the Internet, but not all online communities are equally successful. For every flourishing Facebook, there is a moribund Friendster--not to mention the scores of smaller social networking sites that never attracted enough members to be viable. This book offers lessons from theory and empirical research in the social sciences that can help improve the design of online communities. The social sciences can tell us much about how to make online communities thrive, offering theories of...
Online communities are among the most popular destinations on the Internet, but not all online communities are equally successful. For every flourishing Facebook, there is a moribund Friendster--not to mention the scores of smaller social networking sites that never attracted enough members to be viable. This book offers lessons from theory and empirical research in the social sciences that can help improve the design of online communities. The social sciences can tell us much about how to make online communities thrive, offering theories of individual motivation and human behavior that, prope
"How insights from the social sciences, including social psychology and economics, can improve the design of online communities.File Size: 4963 KBPrint Length: 328 pagesPublisher: The MIT Press (April 5, 2012) Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.Language: EnglishASIN: B007RPF10U"
Building Successful Online Communities Free
The authors draw on the literature in psychology, economics, and other so