Author: Kimball Fisher
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071754938
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071754938
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams (Briefcase Books)
Get solid collaboration from team members in remote locations Globalization and new technologies have made team collaboration from distant geographical locations-on the road, from home or client sites, even on the other side of the globe-a routine part of business. Search and download computer ebooks Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams (Briefcase Books) for free.
A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams. Download Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams computer ebooks
Managing these teams requires new skills and sensitivities to maximize team and organizational performance. Emphasizing pragmatism over theory and offering helpful tips instead of vague observations, Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams helps you bridge the communication gaps created by geographical separation and get peak performance from employees you rarely see. You will learn how to: Keep team members in remote locations motivated and involved Coach for peak performan

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A Manager's Guide To Virtual Teams AMERM 9780814416594 09780814416594
A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams (Hardcover)
A Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams, ISBN-13: 9780814416594, ISBN-10: 0814416594
Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams, ISBN-13: 9780814416594, ISBN-10: 0814416594
Manager's Guide to Virtual Teams Free
Managing these teams requires new skills and sensitivities to maximize team and organizational performance
You will learn how to: Keep team members in remote locations motivated and involved Coach for peak performan