Author: Nicole Belson Goluboff
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1570735549
Publisher: Amer Bar Assn
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1570735549
Publisher: Amer Bar Assn
Telecommuting for Lawyers
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Overview Millions of women gained eye-opening insights about the inner lives of men through Shaunti Feldhahn's best-selling For Women Only. Now, Feldhahn brings her innovative research approach to the workplace to help women understand their male colleagues. Using a nationwide survey and confidential interviews with thousands of men whose anonymity was guaranteed, she gets inside the hearts and minds of men in the workplace--from CEOs to nonprofit managers, from lawyers to factory workers--to discover what they commonly think about women on the job, and what their expected "rules" of the workplace are. This expanded edition includes faith-based insights throughout, plus an added chapter with supportive application and wisdom from senior Christian women in the workplace.--From publisher description. Publishers Description Based on a nationwide survey and confidential interviews with more than three thousand men, bestselling author of For Women Only , Shaunti Feldhahn, has written a startling and unprecedented exploration of how men in the workplace tend to think, which even the most astute women might otherwise miss. In The Male Factor, Feldhahn investigates and quantifies the private thoughts that men almost never publicly reveal or admit to, but that every woman will want to know. Never before has an author gotten inside the hearts and minds of men in the workplace—from CEOs to managers, from lawyers to factory workers—to get a comprehensive and confidential picture of what men commonly think about their female colleagues, how they view flextime and equal compensation, what their expected “rules” of the workplace are, what managing emotion means, and how that lowcut top is perceived. Because the men in the surveys and interviews were guaranteed anonymity, they talk in a candid and uncensored way about their daily interactions with women bosses, employees, and colleagues, as well as what they see as the most common forces of friction and misunderstanding between men and women at work. Among the subjects The Male Factor tackles are: • how men, with rare exception, view almost any emotional display as a sign that the person can no longer think clearly—as well as what they perceive to be “emotion” in the first place (it's not just crying) • why certain trendy clothes that women wear may create a career-sabotaging land mine in terms of how male colleagues perceive them • the unintentional signals that can change a man's perception of a woman from “assertive and competent” to “difficult” Women will likely be surprised, even shocked, by these revelations. Some may find them challenging. Yet what they will gain is an invaluable understanding of how their male bosses, colleagues, subordinates, and customers react to a host of situations—as well as the ability to correct common misperceptions. The Male Factor offers a unique road map to what men in the workplace are thinking, allowing women the opportunity to decide for themselves how to use the insights Feldhahn reveals. Praise for The Male Factor " The Male Factor is the singularly best business book for women I've read in years. This well-researched yet thoroughly readable book is rich with rare insights into how men really see women in the workplace -- and how with a few simple adjustments you can even the playing field." --Lois P. Frankel , Ph.D., author of Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office and See Jane Lead “Many times in my career I've been the only female in a meeting or holding a seat on the executive team, and I felt I needed a translator - either to understand my male colleagues or to make sure they understood me. The Male Factor provides that translation. We no longer have to guess at what "makes men tick" in the workplace. Shaunti Feldhahn asked them, and amazingly, they told her!” --Stacie Hagan , Chief People Officer at Earthlink, Inc. “Smart, effective communication is what makes for successful leadership and productive workplaces. The Male Factor sheds light on how subtle and not so subtle gender communication differences can thwart a woman's rise in the workplace. Even minor shifts in communication approach can help women navigate and break through that invisible barrier. There is something here for every woman, no matter where you are in your career.” -- Linda Sawye r, CEO, Deutsch Inc. SHAUNTI FELDHAHN is the best-selling author of For Women Only:What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men and For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women. Her books have sold two million copies and have been translated into fifteen different languages. A longtime nationally sydicated columnist, she holds a master's degree in public policy from Harvard University, has worked on Wall Street, and now lives in Atlanta, Georgia. CHAPTER 1 A New Skill Set "Are you saying women don't already know that?" The charismatic African-American businessman sitting next to me in first class looked at me in disbelief. We were only a few minutes into the usual "What do you do?" airplane conversation when I shared something that apparently stunned him. I had explained that I was a financial analyst by training, had worked on Wall Street, and was now, unexpectedly, a bestselling author and speaker about relationships. His inevitable question: "What's your main topic?" "Men." I grinned at his wry expression. "I spent a few years interviewing and surveying a few thousand men. My last book identifies some ways that men tend to privately think and feel, that women tend not to know." He folded his arms across his chest, and it was his turn to chuckle. "OK," he said, "hit me with one." So I shared one of my findings about men--one that I will share with you in the following pages--and that is when the amusement turned to disbelief. When I confirmed that even the most astute women may not know that particular truth about men, I could see that suddenly, his thoughts were off in a universe of their own. If he hadn't been strapped in his seat, I think he would have gotten up and startedpacing. "That explains something!" he finally said. "You see, I'm a corporate trainer and consultant. Fortune 100 corporations bring me in to help with leadership and strategy at the highest levels of the organization. And all too often, I see skilled and talentedwomen sabotage their careers because they treat the men they work with in a way that no man would treat another man." He looked at me with awakening interest. "But from what you're telling me, these women probably don't even realize that that is what they are doing." It was my turn to be interested, and my notebook and pen were already out. "Can you give me an example?" "I'll give you an example of something that just happened a few hours ago." For the next few minutes, he told me his story (which I'll relay in a later chapter), and concluded, "I was so puzzled why this female executive would shoot herself in the footlike that! But perhaps she simply didn't understand how her actions would be perceived by her colleagues--colleagues who were mostly men." THE HOLE IN THE BUCKET The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And, because we fail to notice that we fail to notice, there is little we can do to change until we notice how our failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds. --RD LAING Over the last few decades, corporations across America have developed a bucket of programs to help advance or retain women. Many approaches have been quite effective; others, better in theory than in practice. We've seen a surge in management attentionto work/life balance issues--particularly to retain working moms--and a corresponding surge in flextime and telecommuting options. Businesses and industry groups are increasingly fostering female networks and mentoring relationships as an alternative to playinggolf with the guys, and are emphasizing professional development for rising women. Organizations large and small have studied and trained their people on avoiding sexual harassment, and on the unique needs of female workers, customers, and stakeholders. Gender-equitytask forces have proliferated. But as valuable as that effort is, I've come to realize that it has a significant hole. We as women can be skilled, talented, highly educated, mentored, networked--and yet trade all of that away by unintentionally undermining ourselves in our interactionswith male colleagues. As my new friend on the airplane put it, we can still sabotage ourselves simply because we do not understand the "male factor": some relevant truths about how the male half of the population thinks--and thus how they may be perceiving(or misperceiving) our words and actions. Even without that potential trap, we may be missing some important insight, effectiveness, and tactical advantage through a simple gap in information--a gap exacerbated by the fact that (as you will see) men often have.... Download Telecommuting for Lawyers computer ebooks
This book covers all the issues involved with telecommuting helping both the law firm and employee plan and monitor a successful telecommuter program. Author Nicole Belson Goluboff shares how you can turn telecommuting into a profitable solution, offering valuable advice, worksheets, and 'fill-in-the-blank' forms throughout. Telecommuting for Lawyers covers how to: develop policies and telecommuter authorizations train future telecommuters budget and save on overhead expenses make telework inviting and familiar design the monitor process choose the appropriate tools Whether you're an

The Male Factor: The Unwritten Rules, Misperceptions, and Secret Beliefs...
Overview Millions of women gained eye-opening insights about the inner lives of men through Shaunti Feldhahn's best-selling For Women Only. Now, Feldhahn brings her innovative research approach to the workplace to help women understand their male colleagues. Using a nationwide survey and confidential interviews with thousands of men whose anonymity was guaranteed, she gets inside the hearts and minds of men in the workplace--from CEOs to nonprofit managers, from lawyers to factory workers--to discover what they commonly think about women on the job, and what their expected "rules" of the workp
Telecommuting for Lawyers Free
This book covers all the issues involved with telecommuting helping both the law firm and employee plan and monitor a successful telecommuter program
Telecommuting for Lawyers covers how to: develop policies and telecommuter authorizations train future telecommuters budget and save on overhead expenses make telework inviting and familiar design the monitor process choose the appropriate tools Whether you're an