Author: Mack Collier
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071806091
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0071806091
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Think Like a Rock Star: How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies that Turn Customers into Fans, with a foreword by Kathy Sierra
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Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Think Like a Rock Star - Book NEW Author(s): Mack Collier Format: Paperback # Pages: Unknown ISBN-13: 9780071806091 Published: 04/19/2013 Language: English Weight: 0.65 pounds Brand new book. About Us Payment Shipping Customer Service FAQs Welcome to MovieMars All items are Brand New. We offer unbeatable prices, quick shipping times and a wide selection second to none. Purchases come with a 30-day S. Download Think Like a Rock Star computer ebooks
y have customers when you can have FANS?
Everything you need to leverage the power of brand evangelists FOREWORD BY KATHY SIERRA, COCREATOR OF THE HEAD FIRST BOOK SERIES Think Like a Rock Star shows you how to connect and engage with customers both online and offline to create a truly fan-centric brand using case studies of rock stars, including: TAYLOR SWIFT--who cultivates an army of devoted fans by constantly devising amazing experiences for them JOHNNY CASH--who was so passionate about his fans that he even followed them to jail LADY GAGA--who has built a financial empire by becoming a fan of her Little Monsters Think Like a Rock Star explains how to apply these lessons to develop advocates

Think Like a Rock Star: How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies that Turn Customers into Fans, with a foreword by Kathy Sierra
Categories: Branding (Marketing), Social media->Marketing. Contributors: Mack Collier - Author. Format: Paperback
Buy Think Like a Rock Star: How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies that Turn Customers into Fans, with a foreword by Kathy Sierra by Mack Collier and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Think Like a Rock Star: How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies That Turn Customers into Fans, ISBN-13: 9780071806091, ISBN-10: 0071806091
author mack collier format paperback language english publication year 01 05 2013 subject management business economics industry subject 2 sales marketing think like a rock star how to create social media and marke by mack collier p author biography mack collier is a social media strategist trainer and speaker who specializes in helping companies better connect with their customers and cultivate fans for their brands his clients include businesses of all sizes from sole proprietorships to fortun
Think Like a Rock Star Free
have customers when you can have FANS?
Everything you need to leverage the power of brand evangelists FOREWORD BY KATHY SIERRA, COCREATOR OF THE HEAD FIRST BOOK SERIES Think Like a Rock Star shows you how to connect and engage with customers both online and offline to create a truly fan-centric brand using case studies of rock stars, including: TAYLOR SWIFT--who cultivates an army of devoted fans by constantly devising amazing experiences for them JOHNNY CASH--who was so passionate about his fans that he even followed them to jail LADY GAGA--who has built a financial empire by becoming a fan of her Little Monsters Think Like a Rock Star explains how to apply these lessons to develop advocates