Author: Joel Postman
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321580087
Publisher: New Riders
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0321580087
Publisher: New Riders
SocialCorp: Social Media Goes Corporate
This book will help companies of all sizes develop and implement a strategy to become a SocialCorp, a company that has adopted social media intelligently and effectively, in a way that does not compromise the company's primary obligations as a corporation. Search and download computer ebooks SocialCorp: Social Media Goes Corporate for free.
author joel postman format paperback language english publication year 08 12 2008 subject management business economics industry subject 2 sales marketing socialcorp by joel postman paperback isbn 13 9780321580085 author biography joel postman is the principal of socialized a consultancy that helps companies take advantage of social media in corporate communications public relations and marketing prior to founding socialized joel was evp of emerging media at eastwick communications where he led. Download SocialCorp computer ebooks
While the conversational and engagement values of social media are well understood, many social media theorists often overlook the realities faced by the large corporation, like accountability to shareholders and regulators, and how these factors cannot be overlooked in corporate social media adoption. Using case studies and analysis of available social media tools, and proven corporate social media strategies, the book will help corporate communicators understand the new communications landscape,

Socialcorp: How Smart Companies Are Leveraging Social Media Postman, Joel
author joel postman format paperback language english publication year 08 12 2008 subject management business economics industry subject 2 sales marketing title socialcorp how smart companies are leveraging social media author postman joel publisher new riders pub publication date dec 10 2008 pages 192 binding paperback edition 1 st dimensions 5 90 wx 8 90 hx 0 70 d isbn 0321580087 subject computers internet general brand new paperback all orders get full access to our online status tracking s
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This book will help companies of all sizes develop and implement a strategy to become a socialcorp, a company that has adopted social media intelligently and effectively, in a way that does not compromise the company's primary obligations as a corporation. While the conversational and engagement values of social media are well understood, many social media theorists often overlook the realities faced by the large corporation, like accountability to sharehol
This book will help companies of all sizes develop and implement a strategy to become a socialcorp, a company that has adopted social media intelligently and effectively, in a way that does not compromise the company's primary obligations as a corporation. While the conversational and engagement values of social media are well understood, many social media theorists often overlook the realities faced by the large corporation, like accountability to sharehol
This book will help companies of all sizes develop and implement a strategy to become a SocialCorp, a company that has adopted social media intelligently and effectively, in a way that does not compromise the company's primary obligations as a corporation. While the conversational and engagement values of social media are well understood, many social media theorists often overlook the realities faced by the large corporation, like accountability to shareholders and regulators, and how these factors cannot be overlooked in corporate social media adoption. Using case studies and analysis of avai
This book will help companies of all sizes develop and implement a strategy to become a SocialCorp, a company that has adopted social media intelligently and effectively, in a way that does not compromise the company's primary obligations as a corporation. While the conversational and engagement values of social media are well understood, many social media theorists often overlook the realities faced by the large corporation, like accountability to shareholders and regulators, and how these factors cannot be overlooked in corporate social media adoption. Using case studies and analysis of avai
SocialCorp Free
Using case studies and analysis of available social media tools, and proven corporate social media strategies, the book will help corporate communicators understand the new communications landscape,