Author: Robert J. Krawczyk
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1568987927
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1568987927
Publisher: Princeton Architectural Press
The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP
The Codewriting Workbook introduces students and practitioners to basic programming concepts for computer-aided design (CAD). Search and download computer ebooks The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP for free.
author robert j krawczyk format paperback language english publication year 01 11 2008 subject the arts subject 2 architecture title the codewriting workbook creating computational architecture in autolisp author krawczyk robert j mitchell william j foreward by publisher princeton architectural pr publication date dec 16 2008 pages 416 binding paperback edition paperback cd dimensions 7 50 wx 8 50 hx 1 25 d isbn 1568987927 subject computers programming languages lisp description a primer on ba. Download The Codewriting Workbook computer ebooks
Through a series of guided exercises and examples, readers learn how to develop and write procedures for creating two-dimensional drawings and three-dimensional models using a variety of algorithmic functions. Each exercise begins with a simple concept and evolves into a family of possible solutions. A primer on programming, The Codewriting Workbook presents efficient methods for computing singular results that, when compounded, generate the broadest range of design possibilities. Though exercises are presented in AutoLISP, the workbook outlines general processes for structuring procedures that can be

The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture In Autolisp [w
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP [With CDROM] by Robert J. Krawczyk Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Creating Meta-Level Architecture in AutoLISP. Details ISBN 1568987927 ISBN-13 9781568987927 Title The Codewriting Workbook: Creating Computational Architecture in AutoLISP [With CDROM] Author Robert J. Krawczyk Format Paperback Year 2009 Pages 416 Edition 1st Publisher Pr
Presents a primer on basic code-writing concepts for computer-aided design in the fields of architecture and engineering.
Categories: Architectural design->Data processing, AutoLISP. Contributors: Robert J. Krawczyk - Author. Format: Paperback
Princeton Architectural Press | 2008 | 400 pages | ISBN-13: 9781568987927 | ISBN-10: 1568987927 | You save 35%
The Codewriting Workbook Free
Though exercises are presented in AutoLISP, the workbook outlines general processes for structuring procedures that can be