Author: Jon Louis Bentley
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 013970244X
Publisher: Prentice Hall Ptr
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 013970244X
Publisher: Prentice Hall Ptr
Writing Efficient Programs (Prentice-Hall Software Series)
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Take a step beyond syntax to discover the true art of software design, with Java as your paintbrush and objects on your palette. This in-depth discussion of how, when, and why to use objects enables you to create programs that not only work smoothly, but are easy to maintain and upgrade -- using Java or any other object-oriented language!-- Take stock of the benefits of OOProgramming and Java -- the advantages of abject-oriented programming; a quick review of key Java concepts; when to use inheritance and when to use encapsulation.-- Choose to reuse -- maximize code reuse with class libraries, including abstract classes and interfaces, and inheritance; use class modification to increase extensibility; design classes for maximum flexibility; take advantage of Design Patterns to write more efficient, more reusable programs.-- Factor in object frameworks -- learn to architect a program at a high level by writing code, then subclassing the same design for specific applications.. Download Writing Efficient Programs computer ebooks

Writing efficient programs
Writing efficient programs: Jon Louis Bentley
The core of scientific computing is designing writing testing debugging and modifying numerical software for application to a vast range of areas from graphics meteorology and chemistry to engineering biology and finance. Scientists engineers and computer scientists need to write good code for speed clarity flexibility and ease of re-use. Oliveira and Stewarts style guide for numerical software points out good practices to follow and pitfalls to avoid. By following their advice readers will learn how to write efficient software and how to test it for bugs accuracy and performance. Techniques a
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The core of scientific computing is designing, writing, testing, debugging and modifying numerical software for application to a vast range of areas: from graphics, meteorology and chemistry to engineering, biology and finance. Scientists, engineers and computer scientists need to write good code, for speed, clarity, flexibility and ease of re-use. Oliveira and Stewart's style guide for numerical software points out good practices to follow, and pitfalls to avoid. By following their advice, readers will learn how to write efficient software, and how to test it for bugs, accuracy and performanc
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