Author: Chris Rowen
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0131455370
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0131455370
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors
Engineering the Complex SOC The first unified hardware/software guide to processor-centric SOC design Processor-centric approaches enable SOC designers to complete far larger projects in far less time. Search and download computer ebooks Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors for free.
"ISBN 9780131455375; 100% Brand NEW; Chris Rowen Prentice Hall PTR; Engineering the Complex SOC : Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors". Download Engineering the Complex SOC computer ebooks
Engineering the Complex SOCis a comprehensive, example-driven guide to creating designs with configurable, extensible processors. Drawing upon Tensilica's Xtensa architecture and TIE language, Dr. Chris Rowen systematically illuminates the issues, opportunities, and challenges of processor-centric design. Rowen introduces a radically new design methodology, then covers its essential techniques: processor configuration, extension, hardware/software co-generation, multiple processor partitioning/communication, and more.

Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors
Engineering the Complex SOC: Fast, Flexible Design with Configurable Processors - Chris Rowen
*** condition: 100% brand new ***engineering the complex soc : fast, flexible design with configurable processors condition: 100% brand newauthor: chris rowen edition: international edition publisher: prentice hall ptr international pub. date: june 4, 2004cover: paperback internation
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version.Engineering the Complex SOC The first unified hardware/software
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Engineering the Complex SOCis a comprehensive, example-driven guide to creating designs with configurable, extensible processors. Drawing upon Tensilica's Xtensa architecture and TIE language, Dr. Chris Rowen systematically illuminates the issues, opportunities, and challenges of processor-centric design. Rowen introduces a radically new design methodology, then covers its essential techniques: processor configuration, extension, hardware/software co-generation, multiple processor partitioning/communication, and more
ngineering the Complex SOCis a comprehensive, example-driven guide to creating designs with configurable, extensible processors. Drawing upon Tensilica's Xtensa architecture and TIE language, Dr. Chris Rowen systematically illuminates the issues, opportunities, and challenges of processor-centric design. Rowen introduces a radically new design methodology, then covers its essential techniques: processor configuration, extension, hardware/software co-generation, multiple processor partitioning/communication, and more.