Selasa, 06 Desember 2011

Software Project Management

Software Project Management
Author: Walker Royce
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0201309580
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional

Software Project Management: A Unified Framework

This book provides a clear and provocative discussion of the economics, metrics, and management strategies necessary to plan and execute a software project successfully. Search and download computer ebooks Software Project Management: A Unified Framework for free.
Quality Software Project Management is the practical, start-to-finish project management resource for every software professional-experienced managers and developers moving into leadership roles.. Download Software Project Management computer ebooks
Royce discusses, with refreshing candor, some of the fads, follies, and excesses of the software industry, clearly differentiating proven techniques and obsolete methods. Paired with this insightful examination are compelling arguments for new management approaches that are sure to stimulate debate. The relative impacts of these new techniques are quantified through simple economic analyses, common sense, and anecdotal evidence. The resulting framework strikes a pragmatic balance between theory and practice that can be readily applied in today's challenging development environment.


Effective Software Project Management

Effective Software Project Management: Robert K. Wysocki

Why another book on software project management?For some time, the fields of project management, computer science, and software development have been growing rapidly and concurrently. Effective support

Categories: Software engineering->Management, Project Management * Computers, Software engineering->Managemen. Contributors: Teresa Luckey - Author. Format: NOOK Book

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Software Project Management Free

Royce discusses, with refreshing candor, some of the fads, follies, and excesses of the software industry, clearly differentiating proven techniques and obsolete methods. Paired with this insightful examination are compelling arguments for new management approaches that are sure to stimulate debate. The relative impacts of these new techniques are quantified through simple economic analyses, common sense, and anecdotal evidence. The resulting framework strikes a pragmatic balance between theory and practice that can be readily applied in today's challenging development environment
oyce discusses, with refreshing candor, some of the fads, follies, and excesses of the software industry, clearly differentiating proven techniques and obsolete methods. Paired with this insightful examination are compelling arguments for new management approaches that are sure to stimulate debate. The relative impacts of these new techniques are quantified through simple economic analyses, common sense, and anecdotal evidence. The resulting framework strikes a pragmatic balance between theory and practice that can be readily applied in today's challenging development environment.

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