Author: Gary Rosenzweig
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0789739623
Publisher: Que Publishing
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0789739623
Publisher: Que Publishing
Features: Guide to Switching to the Mac
MacMost. Search and download computer ebooks Guide to Switching to the Mac for free.
This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook Guide to Switching to the Mac Switching to the Mac?. Download Guide to Switching to the Mac computer ebooks
om Guide to Switching to the Mac A Switching to the Mac? Awesome! You've got company-lots of it! And with this book, you've got help, too... all the help you'll ever need! A founder Gary Rosenzweig quickly gets you comfy with your new Mac, demonstrates the "Mac way" to perform every common Windows task, and shows how to do more with Macs than you ever could in Windows... way more! A A It's all here-everything from choosing the right Mac to creating your own videos and DVDs. Rosenzweig covers the latest Macs and the new Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard operating system. Best of all, he focuses on what today's computer users need to know, including loads of coverage of using your Mac on the Web. A A Guide to Switching to the Mac Guide to Switching to the Mac: Gary Rosenzweig Guide to Switching to the Mac, ISBN-13: 9780789739629, ISBN-10: 0789739623
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om Guide to Switching to the Mac A Switching to the Mac? Awesome! You've got company-lots of it! And with this book, you've got help, too... all the help you'll ever need! A MacMost