Author: Berndt Müller
Edition: 2nd updated and corr. ed.
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 3540602070
Publisher: Springer
Edition: 2nd updated and corr. ed.
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 3540602070
Publisher: Springer
Neural Networks: An Introduction (Physics of Neural Networks)
Neural Networks presents concepts of neural-network models and techniques of parallel distributed processing in a three-step approach: - A brief overview of the neural structure of the brain and the history of neural-network modeling introduces to associative memory, preceptrons, feature-sensitive networks, learning strategies, and practical applications. Search and download computer ebooks Neural Networks: An Introduction (Physics of Neural Networks) for free.
Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc | 1998 | 438 pages | ISBN-13: 9780124438675 | ISBN-10: 0124438679. Download Neural Networks computer ebooks
- The second part covers subjects like statistical physics of spin glasses, the mean-field theory of the Hopfield model, and the "space of interactions" approach to the storage capacity of neural networks. - The final part discusses nine programs with practical demonstrations of neural-network models. The software and source code in C are on a 3 1/2" MS-DOS diskette can be run with Microsoft,

Constructive Neural Networks
The book is a collection of invited papers on Constructive methods for Neural networks. Most of the chapters are extended versions of works presented on the special session on constructive neural network algorithms of the 18th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN 2008) held September 3-6, 2008 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The book is devoted to constructive neural networks and other incremental learning algorithms that constitute an alternative to standard trial and error methods for searching adequate architectures. It is made of 15 articles which provide an overview of
The book is devoted to constructive neural networks and other incremental learning algorithms that constitute an alternative to standard trial and error methods for searching adequate architectures. It is made of 15 articles which provide an overview of
Categories: Neural networks (Computer science). Contributors: Kishan Mehrotra - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Artificial Intelligence * Neural Networks, Programming Languages * C#, Algorithms * Programming. Contributors: Jeff Heaton - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Categories: Computers, Optical, Signal processing, Neural networks (Computer science). Contributors: TS Yu Francis - Author. Format: Paperback
Neural Networks Free
- The second part covers subjects like statistical physics of spin glasses, the mean-field theory of the Hopfield model, and the "space of interactions" approach to the storage capacity of neural networks
The software and source code in C are on a 3 1/2" MS-DOS diskette can be run with Microsoft,