Author: Christopher Kush
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0312263058
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Edition: First Edition
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0312263058
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Cybercitizen: How to Use Your Computer to Fight for ALL the Issues You Care About
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Perhaps the Internet's most important promise lies in its ability to re-connect American citizens with their government. Using the World Wide Web, anyone can now research issues, track legislation, and lobby the halls of Congress. It is easier than ever before to reach out to others who share your views and create a unified voice that legislators cannot ignore.
Cybercitizen is a practical, nonpartisan guide that cuts through the glut of useless information on the Internet and connects you with the people, the organizations, and the information that power America's government. Get online and become a force for

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Perhaps the Internet's most important promise lies in its ability to re-connect American citizens with their government. Using the World Wide Web, anyone can now research issues, track legislation, and lobby the halls of Congress. It is easier than ever before to reach out to others who share your views and create a unified voice that legislators cannot ignore.
Cybercitizen is a practical, nonpartisan guide that cuts through the glut of useless information on the Internet and connects you with the people, the organizations, and the information that power America's government
erhaps the Internet's most important promise lies in its ability to re-connect American citizens with their government. Using the World Wide Web, anyone can now research issues, track legislation, and lobby the halls of Congress. It is easier than ever before to reach out to others who share your views and create a unified voice that legislators cannot ignore.
Cybercitizen is a practical, nonpartisan guide that cuts through the glut of useless information on the Internet and connects you with the people, the organizations, and the information that power America's government. Get online and become a force for