Author: Mark Burnett
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1597490415
Publisher: Syngress
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1597490415
Publisher: Syngress
Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication
User passwords are the keys to the network kingdom, yet most users choose overly simplistic passwords (like password) that anyone could guess, while system administrators demand impossible to remember passwords littered with obscure characters and random numerals. Search and download computer ebooks Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication for free.
Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication: Mark Burnett. Download Perfect Password computer ebooks
Every computer user must face the problems of password security. According to a recent British study, passwords are usually obvious: around 50 percent of computer users select passwords based on names of a family member, spouse, partner, or a pet. Many users face the problem of selecting strong passwords that meet corporate security requirements. Too often, systems reject user-selected passwords because they are not long enough or otherwise do not meet complexity requirements.

Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication
Perfect Password: Selection, Protection, Authentication: Mark Burnett
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Categories: Computer security->Passwords, Computer networks->Access control. Contributors: Mark Burnett - Author. Format: Paperback
Perfect Password Free
Every computer user must face the problems of password security. According to a recent British study, passwords are usually obvious: around 50 percent of computer users select passwords based on names of a family member, spouse, partner, or a pet. Many users face the problem of selecting strong passwords that meet corporate security requirements. Too often, systems reject user-selected passwords because they are not long enough or otherwise do not meet complexity requirements
Every computer user must face the problems of password security. According to a recent British study, passwords are usually obvious: around 50 percent of computer users select passwords based on names of a family member, spouse, partner, or a pet. Many users face the problem of selecting strong passwords that meet corporate security requirements. Too often, systems reject user-selected passwords because they are not long enough or otherwise do not meet complexity requirements.