Author: Kevin M. White
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 032150268X
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Edition: 2nd
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 032150268X
Publisher: Peachpit Press
Apple Training Series: Mac OS X Deployment v10.5
Apple Training Series: Mac OS X v10. Search and download computer ebooks Apple Training Series: Mac OS X Deployment v10.5 for free.
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Deployment v10.5 uses a combination of task-based instruction and strong visuals to teach intermediate and advanced users how to deploy a wide range of files and systems to multiple users in a large organization. Author Kevin White takes readers through the deployment of software, ranging from individual files, to complete systems, to multiple users, discussing the range of methodologies used. Intermediate users will learn how to use Apple deployment tools, including Disk Utility, PackageMaker, Apple Software Restore, and NetBoot. Advanced users will learn how to customize deployment solutions with scripts to provide post-installation configuration. Throughout the book, users learn how to tie

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This is the eBook version of the printed book. If the print book includes a CD-ROM, this content is not included within the eBook version. Apple Training Series: Mac OS X v10.5 Deployment v10.5 uses a
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Deployment v10.5 uses a combination of task-based instruction and strong visuals to teach intermediate and advanced users how to deploy a wide range of files and systems to multiple users in a large organization. Author Kevin White takes readers through the deployment of software, ranging from individual files, to complete systems, to multiple users, discussing the range of methodologies used. Intermediate users will learn how to use Apple deployment tools, including Disk Utility, PackageMaker, Apple Software Restore, and NetBoot
Throughout the book, users learn how to tie