Author: Ian Bogost
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0262524872
Publisher: The MIT Press
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0262524872
Publisher: The MIT Press
Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism
In Unit Operations, Ian Bogost argues that similar principles underlie both literary theory and computation, proposing a literary-technical theory that can be used to analyze particular videogames. Search and download computer ebooks Unit Operations: An Approach to Videogame Criticism for free.
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Moreover, this approach can be applied beyond videogames: Bogost suggests that any medium--from videogames to poetry, literature, cinema, or art--can be read as a configurative system of discrete, interlocking units of meaning, and he illustrates this method of analysis with examples from all these fields. The marriage of literary theory and information technology, he argues, will help humanists take technology more seriously and hep technologists better understand software and videogames as cultural artifacts. This approach is especially useful fo

Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, 9780072848236
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering, ISBN-13: 9780072848236, ISBN-10: 0072848235
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering
"Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering (7th Edition), ISBN-13: 9780072848236, ISBN-10: 0072848235 by Julian C. Smith, Peter Harriot. "
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Experiments in Unit Operations and Processing of Foods Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New In chemical engineering, a unit operation is any single step in a process. This book takes a close look at various unit operations as they apply to food processing. Publisher Description In chemical engineering and related fields, a unit operation is a basic step in a process. For example in milk processing, homogenization,
Unit Operations Free
Moreover, this approach can be applied beyond videogames: Bogost suggests that any medium--from videogames to poetry, literature, cinema, or art--can be read as a configurative system of discrete, interlocking units of meaning, and he illustrates this method of analysis with examples from all these fields
This approach is especially useful fo