Author: Peter Spirtes
Edition: second edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262194406
Publisher: A Bradford Book
Edition: second edition
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262194406
Publisher: A Bradford Book
Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning)
What assumptions and methods allow us to turn observations into causal knowledge, and how can even incomplete causal knowledge be used in planning and prediction to influence and control our environment? In this book Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour, and Richard Scheines address these questions using the formalism of Bayes networks, with results that have been applied in diverse areas of research in the social, behavioral, and physical sciences. Search and download computer ebooks Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition (Adaptive Computation and Machine Learning) for free.
author clark glymour author peter spirtes author richard scheines format hardback language english publication year 16 03 2001 series adaptive computation and machine learning series subject mathematics sciences subject 2 mathematics title causation prediction and search second edition adaptive computation and machine learning author peter spirtes clark glymour richard scheines publisher bradford books publication date jan 01 2001 pages 543 binding hardcover edition 2 nd sub dimensions 7 50 wx. Download Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition computer ebooks
he authors show that although experimental and observational study designs may not always permit the same inferences, they are subject to uniform principles. They axiomatize the connection between causal structure and probabilistic independence, explore several varieties of causal indistinguishability, fo

Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition
Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition: Clark Glymour, Peter Spirtes, Richard Scheines
New Hardcover.
What assumptions and methods allow us to turn observations into causal knowledge, and how can even incomplete causal knowledge be used in planning and prediction to influence and control our environment? In this book Peter Spirtes, Clark Glymour, and Richard Scheines address these questions using the formalism of Bayes networks, with results that have been applied in diverse areas of research in the social, behavioral, and physical sciences. The authors show that although experimental and observational study designs may not always permit the same inferences, they are subject to uniform princip
Causation, Prediction, and Search, Second Edition Free
They axiomatize the connection between causal structure and probabilistic independence, explore several varieties of causal indistinguishability, fo