Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010

Free Pro Core Data for iOS

Pro Core Data for iOS
Author: Michael Privat
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1430233559
Publisher: Apress

Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Books for Professionals by Professionals)

The power of Core Data allows iOS developers to efficiently store and retrieve application data using familiar object-oriented paradigms. Search and download computer ebooks Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Books for Professionals by Professionals) for free.
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Pro Core Data for iOS explains both how and why to use Core Data for data storage, from simple to advanced techniques. Covering common and advanced persistence patterns, this book prepares any iOS developer to store and retrieve data accurately and proficiently.

Lots of iOS development books touch on Core Data, taking you through a few mainstream use cases for storing and retrieving data in your iOS applications. In Pro Core Data for iOS, however, we take you further into Core Data and show you how to leverage the power of this data framework.


Pro Core Data for iOS

Pro Core Data for iOS - Michael Privat, Robert Warner

payment | shipping rates | returns Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Books for Professionals by Professionals) Product Category :Books ISBN :1430233559 Title :Pro Core Data for iOS: Data Access and Persistence Engine for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch (Books for Professionals by Professionals)EAN :9781430233558 Authors :Warner, Robert, Privat , Michael Binding :Paperback Publisher :Apress Publication Date :2011-01-28 Pages :400 Signed :Fal

Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Pro Core Data for IOS by R Warner Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Fully updated for Xcode 4.2, Pro Core Data for iOS explains how to use the Core Data framework for iOS SDK 5 using Xcode 4.2. The book explains both how and why to use Core Data, from simple to advanced techniques. Covering common and advanced persistence patterns, this book prepares any iOS developer to store and retrieve data accurately and ef

Pro Core Data for iOS (Paperback)

Pro Core Data for iOS Free

Pro Core Data for iOS explains both how and why to use Core Data for data storage, from simple to advanced techniques. Covering common and advanced persistence patterns, this book prepares any iOS developer to store and retrieve data accurately and proficiently.

Lots of iOS development books touch on Core Data, taking you through a few mainstream use cases for storing and retrieving data in your iOS applications. In Pro Core Data for iOS, however, we take you further into Core Data and show you how to leverage the power of this data framework
em>Pro Core Data for iOS explains both how and why to use Core Data for data storage, from simple to advanced techniques. Covering common and advanced persistence patterns, this book prepares any iOS developer to store and retrieve data accurately and proficiently.

Lots of iOS development books touch on Core Data, taking you through a few mainstream use cases for storing and retrieving data in your iOS applications. In Pro Core Data for iOS, however, we take you further into Core Data and show you how to leverage the power of this data framework.

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