Author: Josh Ochs
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0988403900
Publisher: MediaLeaders
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0988403900
Publisher: MediaLeaders
Light, Bright and Polite: How Businesses And Professionals Can Safely And Effectively Navigate Social Media
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Light, Bright and Polite : How Businesses and Professionals Can Safely and Effectively Navigate Social Media, ISBN-13: 9780988403901, ISBN-10: 0988403900. Download Light, Bright and Polite computer ebooks
Learn why you need to be "light, bright and polite"
2. Find the best messaging to activate your customers
3. A formula to make social media add to the bottom line
4. Grow your email list from your website & social media
5. Five steps to getting great testimonials on LinkedIn
6. Use 3 touch-points to get people talking about you
7. How to create a social media upgrade campaign
Plus: 36+ tips and social media videos you can instantly start using to become more grassroots oriented
In this book, Josh Ochs outlines many of his counter-intuitive marketing techniques he has used on over 36+ brands in multiple industries. Josh also shares dozens of grassroots techniques

Light, Bright and Polite ...
Light, Bright and Polite Medialeaders 9780988403918 09780988403918
New Paperback.
Contributors: Josh Ochs - Author. Format: Paperback
Light, Bright and Polite Free
Learn why you need to be "light, bright and polite"
2. Find the best messaging to activate your customers
3. A formula to make social media add to the bottom line
4. Grow your email list from your website & social media
Josh also shares dozens of grassroots techniques