Minggu, 03 Oktober 2010

Capitalizing on Knowledge

Capitalizing on Knowledge
Author: David Skyrme
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0750650117
Publisher: Routledge

Capitalizing on Knowledge

Many organizations are embracing knowledge management as a source of strategic advantage. Search and download computer ebooks Capitalizing on Knowledge for free.
Capitalizing on Knowledge From E-Business to K-Business, ISBN-13: 9780750650113, ISBN-10: 0750650117. Download Capitalizing on Knowledge computer ebooks
But already people are asking: "what comes next?" Likewise almost every large organization is heavily involved in e-commerce and turning their organizations into e-businesses. At the moment most e-commerce is focused on selling traditional products and services through the new medium of the Internet. However, the more an organization evolves into an e-business, the more they can exploit knowledge flows between themselves and their marketplace. This book draws together the two strands of knowledge and e-business into the emerging field that this book has called k-business. A k-business is one that turns an organization's knowledge assets into knowledge products


Capitalizing on Knowledge

Capitalizing on Knowledge: David Skyrme

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TheNile.com.au About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Capitalizing on Knowledge (English) by David J. Skyrme Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English Many organizations are embracing knowledge management as a source of strategic advantage. But already people are asking: quot;what comes next?quot; Likewise almost every large organization is heavily involved in e-commerce and turning their organizations into e-businesses. At the moment most e-commerce is focused on sellin

Categories: Electronic commerce->Handbooks & manuals, Knowledge management, Electronic commerce->Handbooks & manuals. Contributors: David Skyrme - Author. Format: NOOK Book

Capitalizing on Knowledge Free

But already people are asking: "what comes next?" Likewise almost every large organization is heavily involved in e-commerce and turning their organizations into e-businesses. At the moment most e-commerce is focused on selling traditional products and services through the new medium of the Internet. However, the more an organization evolves into an e-business, the more they can exploit knowledge flows between themselves and their marketplace. This book draws together the two strands of knowledge and e-business into the emerging field that this book has called k-business
ut already people are asking: "what comes next?" Likewise almost every large organization is heavily involved in e-commerce and turning their organizations into e-businesses. At the moment most e-commerce is focused on selling traditional products and services through the new medium of the Internet. However, the more an organization evolves into an e-business, the more they can exploit knowledge flows between themselves and their marketplace. This book draws together the two strands of knowledge and e-business into the emerging field that this book has called k-business. A k-business is one that turns an organization's knowledge assets into knowledge products

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