Author: John Cass
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 075068416X
Publisher: taylor & francis
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 075068416X
Publisher: taylor & francis
Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging
If advertising and public relations were the best ways to connect with a company's audience through traditional media, and blogs are the best way to connect with millions of customers through the medium of online consumer generated media, then how can companies best use blogs to connect with their audience through the medium of consumer-generated media?
The answer is through blogger relations, the process of interacting with bloggers and blog readers to get a company's message to an audience. Search and download computer ebooks Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging for free.
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This book targets business people, marketing professionals, public relations firms, search engine optimization and online marketing agency staff with a primer on the importance of corporate blogging and how to conduct a successful

Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging
Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging - John Cass
Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging , ISBN-13: 9780750684163, ISBN-10: 075068416X
Categories: Internet marketing, Blogs->Handbooks, manuals, etc., Business enterprises->Blog. Contributors: John Cass - Author. Format: Paperback
If advertising and public relations were the best ways to connect with a company's audience through traditional media, and blogs are the best way to connect with millions of customers through the medium
Strategies and Tools for Corporate Blogging Free
his book targets business people, marketing professionals, public relations firms, search engine optimization and online marketing agency staff with a primer on the importance of corporate blogging and how to conduct a successful