Author: Alexander Peloquin
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: G. I. A. Publications, Inc., Vivant Publications
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: G. I. A. Publications, Inc., Vivant Publications
Lyric Liturgy: Cantor/S.A.T.B./Congregation (G-1907)
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... What I have tried to do in LYRIC LITURGY is to create a blueprint for making the liturgy a living assertion against death. LYRIC LITURGY is a work that sings about life ___ a work in which celebrant, cantor, choir, congregation, organ and brass praise the Lord." [from the book prologue by (signed) Alexander Peloquin] "Table of Contents: Entrance Song: Lord Jesus Come (page 5), Penitential Rite (page 21), Liturgy of the Word: Responsorial Psalm (page 24), Alleluia (page 32), General Intercessions (page 38), Liturgy of the Eucharist: Organ improvisation during the presentation of the gifts (page 39), Sanctus (page 41), Memorial Acclamation (page 47), Concluding Acclamation (page 48), Communion Rite: The Lord's Prayer (page 50), Rite of

Lyric Liturgy Free
... What I have tried to do in LYRIC LITURGY is to create a blueprint for making the liturgy a living assertion against death
" [from the book prologue by (signed) Alexander Peloquin] "Table of Contents: Entrance Song: Lord Jesus Come (page 5), Penitential Rite (page 21), Liturgy of the Word: Responsorial Psalm (page 24), Alleluia (page 32), General Intercessions (page 38), Liturgy of the Eucharist: Organ improvisation during the presentation of the gifts (page 39), Sanctus (page 41), Memorial Acclamation (page 47), Concluding Acclamation (page 48), Communion Rite: The Lord's Prayer (page 50), Rite of