Author: Yannis Tsividis
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199325995
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Edition: 3
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0199325995
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor: Special MOOC Edition (Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor has become a standard in academia and industry. Search and download computer ebooks Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor: Special MOOC Edition (Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering) for free.
Operation end Modeling of the MOS Transistor, 2/e carefully leads from physical principles to relevant working models of the MOS Transistors device. Models range from the very simple to sophisticated with the connections between models of successive levels clearly identified. Intuitive understanding is provided through extensive discussions. Author: Tsividis, Yannis ISBN-10: 0070655235. Download Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor computer ebooks
Extensively revised and updated, the third edition of this highly acclaimed text provides a thorough treatment of the MOS transistor--the key element of modern microelectronic chips.
New to this Edition:
* Energy bands and the energy barrier viewpoint are integrated into the discussion in a smooth, simple manner
* Expanded discussion of small-dimension effects, including velocity saturation, drain-induced barrier lowering, ballistic operation, polysilicon depletion, quantum effects, gate tunneling current, and gate-induced drain leakage
* Expanded discussion of small-signal modeling, including gate and substrate

Operation And Modeling Of The Mos Transistor By Yannis Tsividis (hardcover)
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor by Yannis Tsividis US 1st Edition If your class is using the 2nd edition, please consider the following:The content of the 1st edition is nearly identical to Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor 2nd edition.The only major difference is the cover and price!!!Publishers constantly come out with newer editions to make more money, giving them reason to charge $100 + for a book. The thing is, they don't really change much with a newer edition othe
Operation and Modeling of the Mos Transistor, ISBN-13: 9780195170146, ISBN-10: 0195170148
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor (The Oxford Series in Electrical and Computer Engineering); ISBN: 0195170156; Condition: New
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor, ISBN-13: 9780195170153, ISBN-10: 0195170156
Operation and Modeling of the MOS Transistor Free
New to this Edition:
* Energy bands and the energy barrier viewpoint are integrated into the discussion in a smooth, simple manner
* Expanded discussion of small-dimension effects, including velocity saturation, drain-induced barrier lowering, ballistic operation, polysilicon depletion, quantum effects, gate tunneling current, and gate-induced drain leakage
* Expanded discussion of small-signal modeling, including gate and substrate