Author: Bennet Lientz
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0124499805
Publisher: Routledge
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0124499805
Publisher: Routledge
Dynamic E-Business Implementation Management (E-Business Solutions)
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Implementing e-business requires a dynamic approach that can respond to changes in technology, management direction, customer and supplier behavior, and competition. Many traditional project management. Download Dynamic E-Business Implementation Management computer ebooks

Dynamic E-Business Implementation Management: How to Effectively Manage E-Business Implementation (E-Business Solutions)
Dynamic E-Business Implementation Management: How to Effectively Manage E-Business Implementation (E-Business Solutions) - Bennet P. Lientz, Kathryn P. Rea
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Implementing e-business requires a dynamic approach that can respond to changes in technology, management direction, customer and supplier behavior, and competition. Many traditional project management methods don't work with e-business. This book presents proven real world management methods that are adaptive, dynamic, and flexible in an e-business environment. It tackles the central issues of e-business: the burgeoning market for buy-side extranet/Internet procurement and supply chain management/business-to-business, Web-based transactions.
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