Author: Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1578514398
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1578514398
Publisher: Harvard Business Review Press
Evolve! : Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow
People and organizations at every stage of Internet sophistication face the same burning question: How should they change in order to succeed in a digital world? Renowned thinker and business trailblazer, Rosabeth Moss Kanter says answers will be found not in cyberspace but on the ground, where real people connect, collaborate, and form thriving human communities. Search and download computer ebooks Evolve! : Succeeding in the Digital Culture of Tomorrow for free.
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In this eye-opening book, Kanter explores what she calls "e-culture" - a new way of living and working that will transform every aspect of today's organizations. Kanter argues that networks of relationships, not just new technologies, permit speed and seamlessness, encourage creativity and collaboration, and release energy and brainpower - the "soul" of e-business. And every organization

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In this eye-opening book, Kanter explores what she calls "e-culture" - a new way of living and working that will transform every aspect of today's organizations
And every organization