Minggu, 26 Juni 2011

Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition

Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition
Author: David E. Rumelhart
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0262181207
Publisher: A Bradford Book

Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations (Volume 1)

What makes people smarter than computers? These volumes by a pioneering neurocomputing group suggest that the answer lies in the massively parallel architecture of the human mind. Search and download computer ebooks Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition: Foundations (Volume 1) for free.
What makes people smarter than computers? These volumes by a pioneering neurocomputing group suggest that the answer lies in the massively parallel architecture of the human mind. They describe a new theory of cognition called connectionism that is challenging the idea of symbolic computation that has traditionally been at the center of debate in theoretical discussions about the mind. The authors' theory assumes the mind is composed of a great number of elementary units connected in a neural network. Mental processes are interactions between these units which excite and inhibit each other in parallel rather than sequential operations. In this context, knowledge can no longer be thought of as stored in localized structures; instead, it consists of the connections between pairs of units that are distributed throughout the network. Volume 1 lays the foundations of this exciting theory of parallel distributed processing, while Volume 2 applies it to a number of specific issues in cognitive science and neuroscience, with chapters describing models of aspects of perception, memory, language, and thought. A Bradford Book.. Download Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition computer ebooks
They describe a new theory of cognition called connectionism that is challenging the idea of symbolic computation that has traditionally been at the center of debate in theoretical discussions about the mind. The authors' theory assumes the mind is composed of a great number of elementary units connected in a neural network. Mental processes are interactions between these units which excite and inhibit each other in parallel rather than sequential operations. In this context, knowledge can no longer be thought of as stored in localized structures; instead, it consis


Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations In The Microstructure Of Cognition Volume 2: Psychological And Biological Models Computational Models Of Cogn

Cambridge Mass: MIT Press June 1986. Hardcover. Very Good Cover & pages well attached/Good. 1.5 x 6.8 x 9.5 inches. Considered a classic in the field. It presents the results of the Parallel Distributed Processing PDP group's work in the early 1980s and provides a good overview of the earlier neural network research. The PDP approach also known as connectionism among other things is based on the conviction that various aspects of cognitive activity are thought of in terms of massively parallel processing.

Categories: Human information processing, Cognition. Contributors: James L. McClelland - Author. Format: Hardcover

Categories: Human information processing, Cognition. Contributors: James L. McClelland - Author. Format: Hardcover

This book describes the authors work in developing a theoretical framework for describing parallel distributed processing activity and in applying the framework to the development of models of aspects of perception, memory, language, and thought.

Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructure of Cognition Free

In this context, knowledge can no longer be thought of as stored in localized structures; instead, it consis

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