Author: Martin Erickson
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584889373
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584889373
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Introduction to Number Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications)
One of the oldest branches of mathematics, number theory is a vast field devoted to studying the properties of whole numbers. Search and download computer ebooks Introduction to Number Theory (Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications) for free.
Categories: Number theory. Contributors: Calvin T. Long - Author. Format: Hardcover. Download Introduction to Number Theory computer ebooks
Offering a flexible format for a one- or two-semester course, Introduction to Number Theory uses worked examples, numerous exercises, and two popular software packages to describe a diverse array of number theory topics. This classroom-tested, student-friendly text covers a wide range of subjects, from the ancient Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest common divisor of two integers to recent developments that include cryptography, the theory of elliptic curves, and the negative solution of Hilbert's tenth problem. The authors illustrate the connections between number theory and other areas of mathematics, in

Introduction to Number Theory - DVD audio book course
Called "the queen of mathematics" by the legendary mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss, number theory is one of the oldest and largest branches of pure mathematics. Practitioners of number theory delve deep into the structure and nature of numbers, and explore the remarkable, startling, and often beautiful relationships that exist among them. Gain deep insights into the complex and beautiful patterns that structure the world of numbers, the branches of study that reveal these patterns, and the processes by which great thinkers establish new truths through dazzling mathematical proofs.
Categories: Number theory. Contributors: G. Everest - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Number theory->History. Contributors: Martin Erickson - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Number theory. Contributors: G. Everest - Author. Format: Paperback
Introduction to Number Theory Free
Offering a flexible format for a one- or two-semester course, Introduction to Number Theory uses worked examples, numerous exercises, and two popular software packages to describe a diverse array of number theory topics
The authors illustrate the connections between number theory and other areas of mathematics, in