Author: Paul C. Zikopoulos
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0137080174
Publisher: IBM Press
Edition: 1
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0137080174
Publisher: IBM Press
Apache Derby -- Off to the Races: Includes Details of IBM Cloudscape (paperback)
* Learn installation, configuration, management, and security * Delve deeper with coverage on SQL, troubleshooting, application development, and more Master Apache Derby: the only open source, pure JavaaA A , fully transactional, small-footprint RDBMS Apache Derby is the world's only enterprise class open source, pure Java, fully transactional relational database. Search and download computer ebooks Apache Derby -- Off to the Races: Includes Details of IBM Cloudscape (paperback) for free.
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It's small enough to be embedded directly into your Java applications, providing a local data store that requires no DBA support. Powerful enough to support a wide range of traditional applications, this database ships as the default database for WebSphere Application Server and more than fifty other IBM software products. Apache Derby is built on the mature IBM Cloudscape code base

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It's small enough to be embedded directly into your Java applications, providing a local data store that requires no DBA support
Apache Derby is built on the mature IBM Cloudscape code base