Author: Michael K. Levine
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1439803897
Publisher: Productivity Press
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1439803897
Publisher: Productivity Press
A Tale of Two Systems: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders
This business parable reviews two different systems development projects. Search and download computer ebooks A Tale of Two Systems: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders for free.
In A Tale of Two Systems, Michael Levine tells story of two development systems – one a spectacular success, and other an equally spectacular failure. Business parable exposes in detail why one system succeeds and the other fails.. Download A Tale of Two Systems computer ebooks
One project was an abject, expensive failure, while the other succeeded in creating a major new revenue stream, bringing in new customers. By reviewing the tales of these two systems, readers will develop a better understanding of what works and what doesn't when it comes to the leadership and action steps required to reinvent a company's procedures to get in step with the times. CEO Evan Nogelmeyer discovers to his dismay that in today's business world, technology is not just for technologists. But does he discover this soon enough and once he does, does he have the tools and the business savvy he needs to stave off disaster? Evan and his team are all well-int

A Tale of Two Systems: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders
A Tale of Two Systems: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders - Michael K. Levine
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author A Tale of Two Systems: Lean and Agile Software Development for Business Leaders by Michael K. Levine Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New Contrasting the methods employed in a traditional, process-centric waterfall approach, with a lean and agile-inspired approach, this book provides business leaders with a tangible understanding of why lean thinking is so well-suited to contemporary environments requiring flexibil
A Tale of Two Systems
Proquest, Umi Dissertation Publishing 9781243685186 A Tale of Two Systems: Executive Function in Ultimatum Game Decisions. Description Theories that formally describe decision-making have traditionally posited that decisions are made by rational actors. However, it is generally accepted that humans often make irrational decisions because of quick emotional judgements. In order to reconcile these two inconsistent ideas psychologists have developed two-system theories that hypothesize decisions a
A Tale of Two Systems Free
But does he discover this soon enough and once he does, does he have the tools and the business savvy he needs to stave off disaster? Evan and his team are all well-int