Author: Dr. Richard Hall Thayer
Edition: 4
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0985270713
Publisher: Sofware Management Training
Edition: 4
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0985270713
Publisher: Sofware Management Training
SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS, Volume II: The Supporting Processes (Volume 2)
This three-part software engineering study guide will: a Provide a state-of-the-practice description of the software engineering process, the software engineering supporting processes, and some of the fundamentals of software engineering technologies. Search and download computer ebooks SOFTWARE ENGINEERING ESSENTIALS, Volume II: The Supporting Processes (Volume 2) for free.
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a Provide sufficient information on software engineering fundamentals and advanced practices to enable experienced software engineers to study for the Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) exam and for new software engineers to study for the (Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA) exam. Volume I contains a study guide on software requirements analysis; software design; modern programming methods; testing procedure and software maintenance. Volume II contains

Essentials of Software Engineering by Frank Tsui, Orlando Karam - 2nd Edition
Essentials of Software Engineering by Frank Tsui, Orlando Karam - 2nd Edition - ISBN 0763785342
Jones And Bartlett Publishers, Inc | 2010 | 400 pages | ISBN-13: 9780763785345 | ISBN-10: 0763785342 | You save 5%
Categories: Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Tsui - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Software engineering. Contributors: Frank Tsui - Author. Format: Paperback
a Provide sufficient information on software engineering fundamentals and advanced practices to enable experienced software engineers to study for the Certified Software Development Professional (CSDP) exam and for new software engineers to study for the (Certified Software Development Associate (CSDA) exam
Volume II contains