Author: Charles P. Pfleeger
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0132789469
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Edition: 1
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0132789469
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat / Vulnerability / Countermeasure Approach
"In this book, the authors adopt a refreshingly new approach to explaining the intricacies of the security and privacy challenge that is particularly well suited to today's cybersecurity challenges. Search and download computer ebooks Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat / Vulnerability / Countermeasure Approach for free.
Analyzing Computer Security. Download Analyzing Computer Security computer ebooks
Their use of the threat-vulnerability-countermeasure paradigm combined with extensive real-world examples throughout results in a very effective learning methodology." -Charles C. Palmer, IBM ResearchA The Modern Introduction to Computer Security: Understand Threats, Identify Their Causes, and Implement Effective Countermeasures A Analyzing Computer Security is a fresh, modern, and relevant introduction to computer security. Organized around today's key attacks, vulnerabilities, and cou

Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure
Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure Approach
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat/Vulnerability/Countermeasure Approach by Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari Lawrence Pfleeger Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New In this book, the authors adopt a refreshingly new approach to explaining the intricacies of the security and privacy challenge that is particularly well suited to today s cybersecurity challenges. Their use of the threat--vulnerability--countermeasure para
Analyzing Computer Security: A Threat / Vulnerability / Countermeasure Approach, ISBN-13: 9780132789462, ISBN-10: 0132789469
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Organized around today's key attacks, vulnerabilities, and cou