Author: Bernan
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9087531273
Publisher: Van Haren Publishing
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 9087531273
Publisher: Van Haren Publishing
Service Operation based on ITIL V3 Management Guides (english version)
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This book is written by Bernan Published by Van Haren Publishing In 2008 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 16 Days.. Download Service Operation based on ITIL V3 Management Guides computer ebooks

Service Operation Based On Itil V3: A Management Guide, Inform It, Good Book
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New Paperback.
Service Operation Based on ITIL V3 : Paperback : Van Haren Publishing : 9789087531270 : 9087531273 : 23 Jun 2008 : The Management Guides are a concise summary of the Foundations of IT Service Management based on ITIL V3. A quick, portable reference tool to the standards used within the Service Management community. Not only includes the Lifecycle Approach but in addition covers the processes in a separate section as well. What are the key service management processes? What is the lifecycle approach?"] a wonder
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